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Interdisciplinary Artist and Educator - Buffalo, NY


2000 - 2004

School of Art & Design at Alfred University - BFA

2006 - 2008

Visual Studies at the University at Buffalo, MFA


Kevin Kline was born in Sayre, PA and created his own arts curriculum as a freshmen high school. He later attended the School of Art & Design at Alfred University obtaining a BFA with concentration in traditional photography and integrated media. Later he attended the University at Buffalo where he received his MFA in Visual Studies. He designed and started the Digital Photography program at the New York State Summer School for the Arts, as well as pioneered the first digital photography classes at Niagara Community College. He has taught at numerous colleges and universities around Western New York. He was the Education Director at Squeaky Wheel Film & Media Art Center. Over the course of his 7 years in that position developed and expanded numerous programs including West Side Studios, and Saturday Cafe. Currently he is the Curriculum Designer and digital arts instructor and lead teaching artist at the Buffalo Center for Arts & Technology. 

Artist Statement:

I make multimedia collage and sculptural work created with found print media materials including but not limited to, books, Hollywood glossy portraits, and other various image sources. These materials are manipulated in serial and process specific sets that include divergent types of interventions, including sewing, cutting, gluing and painting. The basis of my work comes from the idea that history is hysterical: it is constituted only if we consider it, only if we look at it -and in order to look at it, we must be excluded from it. This is the position that I take when collecting and working with found print media based materials. I take on the role of callow collector and curator of my own cabinet of media curiosities. My work aims to re-contextualize and subvert these visual systems as a means of disturbing the narrative. My interventions on images and objects question the conventions and authority of their source material and detour their nostalgic simulacra.  I am interested in unearthing the consensual relationship that has been imposed upon these informational narratives. Through my work, I am deeply invested in the role that photography has played in our culture and constructions of our reality.

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